Navigating Life and Business: Carlos Rovira on The BizDad Podcast

In a recent episode of “The BizDad” podcast, hosted by Adam La Barr, Carlos Rovira, the owner of Rovira Property Management – Miami, shared his journey of balancing personal and professional life. The episode offers a deep dive into Rovira’s experiences, shedding light on how modern entrepreneurs are seamlessly integrating their personal and professional spheres. […]

Meet the Expert: Property Management Insights by Carlos Rovira on the DJE Podcast

In this enlightening podcast, the owner of Rovira Property Management – Miami shares his inspiring journey to becoming a seasoned owner of one of the top property management companies in Florida. From humble beginnings to managing a diverse portfolio of properties, his story is a testament to hard work, dedication, and a deep understanding of […]

Navigating Commercial Property Taxes in Miami

Miami’s thriving economy and vibrant culture make it an attractive location for commercial real estate investments. However, navigating the intricacies of commercial property taxes in the city can be a challenging endeavor for investors, business owners, and property managers alike. Understanding Miami’s tax landscape is crucial for making informed decisions and maximizing the potential of […]

Unleashing Wealth: Beyond Cap Rates in South Florida Commercial Real Estate Investing

Investing in commercial real estate in the dynamic South Florida market is a promising venture, but savvy investors know that success goes beyond the initial cap rate. While cap rates offer a snapshot of property value at acquisition, this metric alone doesn’t unlock the full potential of value-add investments. In this blog post, we’ll explore […]